About Us

With over 20 years of experience, East Consulting & Associates is dedicated to supporting leaders, teams and organizations drive towards high impact outcomes. Ranging from Board of Directors engagement to identifying and implementing policy initiatives for systemic change; we create personalized solutions for our clients mapped to their visions and goals. Founded by Heidi East McGowan, who brings a lens of experience as both an executive leader and policy advisory for the state of Oregon, our team partners with organizations to identify key areas of growth and designs customized trainings, tools, and resources mapped to their needs. 

We are proud to share that we have led the competitive Race to the Top Early Learning Challenge Grant that secured $30M for Oregon.  Utilizing the Collective Impact framework, we supported Oregon’s first Governor appointed State Advisory Council on Early Childhood, and the development of Oregon’s Early Learning Hubs that brought together leaders from Early Learning, K-12, Higher Education, Healthcare, Business, Workforce and Family Voice. In addition, we have designed and facilitated hundreds of leadership and empowerment workshops focused on key topics of increasing women in leadership, building and managing effective teams, and strengthening board leader engagement. 

A Note From Our Founder

Twenty years ago, I made the intentional switch from a career focused on being an organizational executive leader to embracing my strengths as a collaborator, trainer, and coach supporting leaders and the organizations they lead.  As someone who has worn the hat of Executive Director and Senior Leader during my career, I approach this work from a place of understanding and excitement for juggling competing priorities while envisioning possibilities. I understand first-hand how valuable it is to have an outside neutral perspective to offer guidance, support and expertise during times of transition and growth.

My leadership journey began by pioneering the integration of preschool programming into district elementary schools while serving as the Executive Director of Little Beavers Learning Center. I navigated the role with a survival instinct wishing that I had additional supports to guide me on ways to work smarter and not just harder. From managing the day to day operations, cultivating relationships, securing partnerships and funding, to managing and developing a young staff, my work as a first time Executive Director sparked my interest in supporting larger education policies and initiatives as the Oregon State Director of Stand for Children. I advocated and fundraised for legislative policy change and trained hundreds of parents and educators to best navigate the policy and law-making process. I was then asked to further help improve the lives of children and families in Oregon by joining the Oregon Commission for Child Care where I served as their Executive Director managing a large team of Governor appointed experts who advised the Governor on legislation and policies.


With the launch of East Consulting & Associates (formerly HBSAA,) I realized that I could support and guide others as I would have welcomed during my time as a leader. I have been honored to not only support the creation of high impact policies and innovative solutions, but to convene and facilitate key thought leaders and community stakeholders to develop their business-critical strategies and tactics to support their teams, organizations and communities.  


When I'm not working with my amazing clients, you can find me in the beauty of nature hiking, kayaking, backpacking and spending time with my family to renew and inspire. 


Certified Brené Brown Dare to Lead™ Facilitator

Masters in Public Health from Oregon State University

Masters in Business Administration from the University of Oregon’s Executive MBA